STEMCELL Technologies EasySep EasySep Non-Human Primate Isolation Kits
- 研究用
EasySep Non-Human Primate Isolation Kitsは、ヒト以外の霊長類の新鮮な末梢血単核細胞からネガティブ分離法によりT細胞とB細胞を分離する製品群です。不要な細胞を抗体複合体と磁性粒子で標識して捕捉し、溶液を新しいチューブに注ぐかピペットで吸引するだけで目的の細胞を分離することができます。
- T 細胞: EasySep™ Non-Human Primate T Cell Isolation Kit
- CD4+T 細胞: EasySep™ Non-Human Primate CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit
- CD8+T 細胞: EasySep™ Non-Human Primate CD8+ T Cell Isolation Kit
- B 細胞: EasySep™ Non-Human Primate B Cell Isolation Kit
- 20-25分程度で、カラムフリーの分離が可能です
- 最大94%の純度で回収いただけます
- ネガティブ分離のため、分離にかかわる抗体が細胞につきません
EasySep Non-Human Primate T Cell Isolation Kitをもちいて、サル末梢血単核球から高純度なT細胞をネガティブ分離!
In the above example, starting with rhesus macaque PBMCs, the T cell content (within the CD45+ gate) of start and final isolated fractions are 55.7% and 93.9%, respectively.
EasySep Non-Human Primate CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kitをもちいて、サル末梢血単核球から高純度なCD4陽性T細胞をネガティブ分離!
In the above example, starting with rhesus macaque PBMCs, the CD4+ T cell content (within the CD45+CD3+ gate) of start and final isolated fractions are 49.5% and 92.3%, respectively.
EasySep Non-Human Primate CD8+ T Cell Isolation Kitをもちいて、サル末梢血単核球から高純度なCD8陽性T細胞をネガティブ分離!
In the above example, starting with rhesus macaque PBMCs, the CD8+ T cell content (within the CD45+CD3+ gate) of start and final isolated fractions are 50.7% and 94.1%, respectively.
EasySep™ Non-Human Primate B Cell Isolation Kitをもちいて、サル末梢血単核球から高純度なB細胞をネガティブ分離!
Starting with rhesus PBMCs, the B cell content (CD20+) of the isolated fraction is typically 91.4 ± 5.2% (mean ± SD using the purple EasySep™ Magnet). In the above example, the purities of the start and final isolated fractions are 10.4% and 94.8%, respectively.
T 細胞
- Anti-human CD3 antibody, clone SP34.2
- Anti-Human CD4 Antibody, Clone OKT4 (ST-60016)
- Anti-Human CD8 Antibody, Clone SK1 (ST-60022)
- Anti-human CD45 antibody, clone D058-1283
B 細胞
- Anti-Human CD20 Antibody, Clone 2H7
- Anti-human CD3 antibody, clone SP34.2