STEMCELL Technologies STEMdiff STEMdiff Blood Vessel Organoid Maturation Medium
- 研究用
STEMdiff™ Blood Vessel Organoid Maturation Medium(ST-100-0658)は、ヒト多能性幹細胞(hPSC)由来の血管オルガノイドを成熟および長期培養する培地です。
本品は、STEMdiff™ Blood Vessel Organoid Kit(ST-100-0651)の構成品としても含まれており、血管オルガノイドの長期培養に使用します。
*STEMdiff™ Blood Vessel Organoid Maturation Medium(本品)は、STEMdiff™ Blood Vessel Organoid Kit(ST-100-0651)のコンポーネントです。ヒト多能性幹細胞由来の血管オルガノイドの成熟および長期培養をサポートします。
STEMdiff™ Blood Vessel Organoid Kitで、ヒトES/iPS細胞から血管オルガノイドを分化誘導
- 疾患モデリングや創薬に理想的な、生理学的関連性の高い3次元の血管オルガノイドを作製
- hPSC由来オルガノイドの効率的な作製に最適化された試薬と、標準化プロトコルを提供
- 創薬または薬剤試験用96ウェルフォーマットでハイスループットに解析可能

FIGURE 1. STEMdiff™ Blood Vessel Organoid Kit Protocol
mTeSR™1-maintained hPSCs are seeded as single cells at 0.2 - 0.4 x 106 cells/well and mTeSR™ Plus- maintained hPSCs are seeded as single cells at 0.1 - 0.2 x 106 cells/well in 6-well ultra-low attachment plates in STEMdiff™ Blood Vessel Organoid Aggregation Medium, then incubated at 37°C for 1 or 2 days. Differentiation is then initiated by replacing the medium with STEMdiff™ Blood Vessel Organoid Mesoderm Medium and continuing incubation for 3 days. On day 4, vascular induction is initiated by replacing the medium with STEMdiff™ Blood Vessel Organoid Vascular Induction Medium, then incubating at 37°C for 2 days. Vascular aggregates are then embedded in a Matrigel®/collagen sandwich; aggregates sprout into vascular networks and mature into stable blood vessels when grown in STEMdiff™ Blood Vessel Organoid Maturation Medium for 5 days. Percentage of endothelial cells (CD31+ and CD144+) and pericytes (CD140b+) was evaluated via flow cytometry. Formation of lumen and 3D organization of endothelial cells and pericytes were analyzed using a confocal microscope.