STEMCELL Technologies PancreaCult PancreaCult Organoid Medium (Mouse)
- 研究用
PancreaCult™ Organoid Growth Medium (Mouse)は、マウス膵外分泌オルガノイドを樹立し維持するための、組成が明確 (defined) な無血清培地です。
これらの膵臓オルガノイドあるいは「ミニ膵臓」は、膵臓の細胞生物学、疾患、がん研究のための in vitro 器官培養系を提供します。PancreaCult™で培養したオルガノイドは、膵臓幹細胞 (LGR5)、前駆細胞 (PDX1、SOX9)、および膵管細胞 (CAR2、MUC1、KRT19) のマーカー遺伝子を発現する上皮を特徴とします。膵オルガノイドは、3〜6日ごとに継代して長期に維持することができ、凍結保存も可能です。
PancreaCult™は、Corning® Matrigel®ドームに埋め込んだ、または希釈Matrigel®に懸濁したマウス膵オルガノイドの培養をいずれもサポートします。オルガノイド培養によって、生理学的関連性のある便利な系を用いて膵臓上皮を特徴付けできるようになり、動物使用の必要性を減らせます。
PancreaCult™ Organoid Growth Medium (Mouse) で、マウス膵外分泌オルガノイドを樹立・維持
- 簡易な in vitro 培養系:7日以内で膵臓オルガノイドを形成可能
- STEP-BY-STEPの詳細なプロトコール:膵障害や幹細胞ソーティングは不要
- シンプルな2-コンポーネント組成:成分が明確な無血清培地
- フレキシブルなプロトコール:マトリックスドームまたは懸濁液でのオルガノイド培養が可能
- 膵幹細胞・膵管上皮細胞研究
- 膵臓がん・疾患モデル研究
- 膵臓移植研究
- 創薬毒性試験

Pancreatic exocrine organoids are observed within one week when cultured in (A) Corning® Matrigel® domes or (B) a dilute Matrigel® suspension. Organoids were imaged during passage 2, on day 4.

PancreaCult™ Organoid Growth Medium (Mouse) enables the initiation of pancreatic exocrine organoids from (A) duct fragments, (B) single cells and (C) cryopreserved organoid fragments. All organoids were grown in Matrigel® domes. Organoids were imaged on day 4 or day 5 of primary culture (duct fragments and single cells, respectively) or day 3 of the first passage post-thaw (cryopreserved organoids).
Organoids cultured using PancreaCult™ Organoid Growth Medium (Mouse) from freshly isolated pancreatic tissue fragments and plated in (A) Matrigel® domes or (B) as a dilute Matrigel® suspension. Organoids grown in either culture condition are typically ready for passage within 3 - 6 days.

Pancreatic exocrine organoids grown in PancreaCult™ and stained for nuclei (DAPI, blue), ductal marker KRT19 (green) and pancreatic progenitor marker PDX1 (red). Organoids were imaged during passage 12 on day 5.
Note: The folded appearance of epithelium is a function of cryosectioning and not representative of the shape of proliferating organoids.

Pancreatic organoids express stem cell markers and those typical of the pancreatic exocrine system, including (A) Axin2, (B) Krt19, (C) Muc1 and (D) Pdx1. Relative quantification (RQ) of each marker is reported relative to the 18S and TBP housekeeping genes and normalized to C57/Bl6 pancreatic tissue. Marker expression was assayed during early passages (passage 1-5) and late passages (passage 6-10).

Organoids cultured with PancreaCult™ Organoid Growth Medium (Mouse) show efficient growth over multiple passages. Cultures were split with an average split ratio of 1:16 at each passage.

PancreaCult™ Organoid Growth Medium (Mouse) supports the growth of organoids from pancreatic carcinomas. Pancreatic ducts were isolated from KPC mice (Kras+/LSL-G12D; Trp53+/LSL-R172H; Pdx1-Cre) and cultured in PancreaCult™ Organoid Growth Medium (Mouse). Organoids were imaged on (A) day 4 of primary culture and (B) day three after the first passage. An activated KRAS genotype was retained in organoids during culture. Data used with permission from Dr. David Tuveson.