STEMCELL Technologies STEMdiff STEMdiff Forebrain Neuron Maturation Kit
- 研究用
STEMdiff Forebrain Neuron Maturation Kit(ST-08605)は、STEMdiff Forebrain Neuron Differentiation Kit(ST-08600)と組み合わせて使用することで、ヒト多能性幹細胞(hPSC)由来の神経前駆細胞から、前脳型(FOXG1陽性)ニューロンの混合集団を作製できます。
得られるニューロンは純度が高く (≥ 90% class III β-tubulin-positive neurons; < 10% GFAP-positive astrocytes)、機能性で、長期培養による維持が可能です。これらの神経細胞は、ヒトの神経発達と神経疾患モデル、薬物スクリーニング、毒性評価、細胞療法の検証など多目的な研究ツールとして使用できます。
STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Maturation Kitをもちいて、hPSC由来ニューロン前駆体から機能性ニューロンに成熟できます
- 明確な組成の無血清培地です
- hPSC由来ニューロン前駆体からの機能性ニューロンの効率的な作製をサポートします
- 高純度な興奮性・抑制性神経細胞の混合集団(≥ 90% neurons)を作製し、長期培養で維持できます
- STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Differentiation Kitで作製したニューロン前駆体の成熟に最適化されています
- 神経活動をサポートし、生理学的に適切な結果を得られます
- 複数のヒトESおよびiPS細胞株由来のニューロン前駆体から、再現性良くニューロンへ成熟できます
STEMdiff Forebrain Neuron DifferentiationおよびMaturation Kitsで作製した前脳型ニューロン
mTeSR 1を用いて継代培養されたヒト人工多能性幹(iPS)細胞から、STEMdiff SMADi Neural Induction Kitを用いて胚様体(EB)プロトコルで神経前駆細胞を作製し、さらにSTEMdiff Forebrain Neuron Differentiation Kit と Maturation Kitを使用して、Forebrain-type神経細胞への分化と成熟を行いました。
(A)iPS細胞由来の神経前駆細胞をSTEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Differentiation Kitで7日間、STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Maturation Kitで14日間培養した後、Forebrain-type神経細胞が形成されました。得られた培養物には、(B)クラスIIIβ-チューブリン陽性ニューロン(緑)の非常に純粋な集団が含まれる一方、(C)アストロサイト(GFAP陽性細胞、赤)は10%未満です。(D)核はDAPI(青)で標識されています。
(A) NPCs generated from STiPS-R038 hPSCs in mTeSR™1 using the STEMdiff™ SMADi Neural Induction Kit EB protocol were differentiated and matured to cortical neurons using STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Differentiation Kit for 7 days and STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Maturation Kit for 14 days. The resulting cultures contain a highly pure population of (B) class III β-tubulin-positive neurons (green) with less than 10% GFAP-positive astrocytes (not shown). (C) The generated neurons are also positive for FOXG1 expression (red), indicating a forebrain-type identity. (D) Nuclei are labeled with Hoechst (blue). NPCs = neural progenitor cells; hPSC = human pluripotent stem cell
Forebrain-type neurons generated from iPSC-derived NPCs (line AIW002-02) were cultured using the STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Differentiation Kit for 7 days and subsequently matured for the following 6 weeks using STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Maturation Kit. The resulting cultures contain a mixed population of neurons expressing VGLUT1, a glutamatergic marker of excitatory neurons (green), as well as MAP2-positive neurons, indicating mature neurons (magenta). Nuclei are labeled with Hoechst (blue). Data courtesy of Cecilia Rocha, The Neuro's Early Drug Discovery Unit (EDDU), McGill University. iPSC = induced pluripotent stem cell; NPCs = neural progenitor cells
NPCs generated from the H1 cell line were differentiated to astrocytes using STEMdiff™ Astrocyte Differentiation and Maturation Kits. H9 cell-derived NPCs were differentiated to forebrain-type neurons using STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Differentiation and Maturation Kits. For co-culture, matured astrocytes were seeded onto forebrain neurons that had been in STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Maturation Medium for at least one week. Co-cultures were then switched to STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Maturation Medium the following day and for the remaining co-culture. (A) Neurons cultured alone, following the co-culture feeding schedule, are labeled with DCX (green). (B) DCX-positive neurons (green) and astrocytes (GFAP, red) can be co-cultured for at least 1 - 2 weeks prior to analysis.
NPCs generated from the STiPS-R038 cell line were differentiated to astrocytes using STEMdiff™ Astrocyte Differentiation and Maturation Kits. STiPS-M001 cell-derived NPCs were differentiated to forebrain-type neurons using STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Differentiation and Maturation Kits. After co-culture for one week, neurons (A) had significantly increased neurite outgrowth as measured on MAP2-positive neurons with the NeuriteTracer plugin for ImageJ (M Pool et al. J Neurosci Methods, 2008) and (B) were more numerous than neurons cultured alone using the same feeding schedule. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01.
ニューロン‐アストロサイト共培養プロトコル(STEMCELL Technologies社ウェブサイト)
ニューロン‐ミクログリア共培養プロトコル(STEMCELL Technologies社ウェブサイトへリンク)
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STEMdiff Forebrain Neuron Differentiation Kit
STEMdiff SMADi Neural Induction Kit
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