STEMCELL Technologies IntestiCult IntestiCult Organoid Differentiation Medium (Human)
- 研究用
IntestiCult™ Organoid Differentiation Medium (Human) (ST-100-0214)は、樹立したヒト腸オルガノイドをさらに分化させる完全培地です。3次元(3D)培養、あるいは2次元(2D)培養(単層または気液界面 [air-liquid interface; ALI])で分化できます。腸陰窩 (intestinal crypts) 由来の腸オルガノイド、または IntestiCult™ Organoid Growth Medium(ヒト用; ST-06010)で継代培養した腸オルガノイドのどちらからも培養を開始できます。
本品で作製した腸の培養物には、分化細胞と幹細胞の集団が生理学的に適切な割合で含まれ、陰窩-絨毛軸の多様性を再現します。従来の細胞株と比べて、腸オルガノイド由来の単層は、生体内の腸管上皮バリアの機能をより良く再現し、重要な分化マーカーをより高いレベルで発現し、in vivo の腸により近い形態です。
本品の使用前に、腸オルガノイド培養を開始し拡大するには、IntestiCult™ Organoid Growth Medium (Human)(ST-06010)が必要になります。
IntestiCult™ Organoid Differentiation Medium (ODM) で、ヒト腸オルガノイドをさらに分化
- 分化細胞と幹細胞の生理学的比率を示す腸オルガノイドの作製
- 単層培養およびALI培養への移行で、頂端表面に容易にアクセス
- 継代間および反復間での一貫した結果取得
Figure 3. Differentiation of Intestinal Epithelium at the Air-Liquid Interface (ALI) Using IntestiCult™ ODM
(A – E) Growing organoid-derived monolayers as ALI cultures drives further differentiation of intestinal epithelial cultures as seen by changes in gene expression measured by RT-qPCR. Relative quantification (RQ) for each marker is shown relative to actB and TBP housekeeping genes and normalized with respect to undifferentiated organoids grown in IntestiCult OGM (Human). Progenitor markers (A) Lgr5 and (B) Axin2 are significantly reduced in both submerged monolayers and ALI cultures, while markers of enterocytes (KRT20, C), goblet cells (MUC2, D), and enteroendocrine cells (CHGA, E) are significantly increased. Further reduction in Axin2 is seen in ALI monolayers with an increase in expression of KRT20, MUC2, and CHGA.
(F, G) Comparing cross-sections of organoid monolayers grown in IntestiCult™ ODM as (F) submerged culture or (G) at the ALI shows further differentiation of the intestinal epithelium with an increased proportion of goblet cells and extracellular mucus (MUC2, green).