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STEMCELL Technologies STEMdiff STEMdiff Myogenic Progenitor Supplement Kit

  • 研究用

STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Supplement Kit(ST-100-0151)は、ヒト胚性幹(ES)細胞および人工多能性幹(iPS)細胞を、筋原性前駆細胞に分化させる無血清サプリメントのキットです。

得られる筋原性前駆細胞は、CD56やCD82などの筋形成細胞マーカーで特徴づけられ、MyoCult™-SF Expansion Supplement Kit(ST-05980)で5回以上継代して拡大培養できます。さらに、MyoCult™ Differentiation Kit(ST-05965)で機能性のある多核の MyHC+筋管(myotube)に効率良く分化できます。これらの筋管は、さまざまな下流のアプリケーションや分析に使用できます。

本品は、mTeSR™1(ST-85850)、mTeSR™ Plus(ST-100-0276)、またはTeSR™-E8™(ST-05990)のいずれかで維持されたヒトES/iPS細胞からの分化に適しています。

2018/05/14 12:00の製品情報




STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Supplement Kitで、ヒト多能性幹細胞から筋原性前駆細胞に分化できます

  • さまざまなヒト多能性幹細胞(hPSC)株から、筋原性前駆細胞へ効率よく分化できます
  • 組織化されたサルコメアタンパク質と収縮性を示す筋管が得られます
  • hPSC由来筋原性前駆細胞のワークフロー全体をサポートするよう最適化された試薬です



Figure 1. Schematic of Myogenic Induction Using the STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Supplement Kit
Prior to differentiation (Day -1), human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) are plated in Corning® Matrigel®-coated plates. On Day 0, differentiation is initiated and continued by performing daily media changes with STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Supplement A at Days 0 - 2, STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Supplement B at Days 2 - 4, STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Supplement C at Days 4 - 6, and STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Supplement D for the remainder of the protocol (Days 6 - 30). Upon completion of the 30-day protocol, the culture contains an abundance of PAX7+MyoD+ myogenic progenitors that can be further expanded using MyoCult™-SF Expansion Supplement Kit (Human; Catalog #05980) for use in downstream applications.



Figure 2. hPSCs Differentiated Using STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Kit Demonstrate Transcript Patterns of Embryonic Muscle Development
hPSCs (H9 cell line) were differentiated using the STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Kit and harvested at indicated time points for transcript analysis via qPCR; transcription was normalized against 18s as the housekeeping gene. The resulting heatmap indicates transcriptional changes to genes that mark specific stages of muscle development (mesoderm, paraxial mesoderm, somites, and myogenesis) and demonstrates a cellular trajectory that resembles embryonic muscle development.


Figure 3. STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Kit Generates Expandable hPSC-Derived Myogenic Progenitors
(A) Representative image of proliferating sub-cultured hPSC-derived myogenic progenitors generated using the STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Kit. (B) hPSC-derived myogenic progenitors harvested at passage 1 and 5 expressed human myoblast markers CD56 and CD82. (C) Expansion rates of hPSC-derived myogenic progenitors (hSPC-MP) over 5 passages across multiple hPSC lines are comparable to human primary myoblasts. Error bars represent standard error of mean, n = 3.


Figure 4. STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Kit Facilitates Efficient Differentiation of hPSC-Derived Myogenic Progenitors into hPSC-Derived Myotubes
(A) hPSC-derived myogenic progenitors were generated from multiple hPSC lines using the STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Kit and then induced to differentiate into myotubes using MyoCult™ Differentiation Medium (Human; Catalog #05965). After 8 days, myotubes were fixed and stained for MyHC and MyoD. (B) Multiple hPSC cell lines differentiated and induced using said method exhibited high fusion indices similar to primary human myoblasts (Numbers in bars represent the n number and dots represent technical replicates).




毒 毒物及び劇物取締法の「毒物」(法第2条別表第1)を含む製品です。
劇 毒物及び劇物取締法の「劇物」(法第2条別表第2)を含む製品です。
カ 「遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等の規制による生物の多様性の確保に関する法律」(通称カルタヘナ法)の使用規制対象となる製品です。 ご使用に際しては規制に即し適切にお取り扱いください。
労 労働安全衛生法の「名称等を表示すべき危険物及び有害物」(法第57条)、あるいは「名称等を通知すべき危険物及び有害物」(法第57条第2項)を含む製品です。
向 麻薬及び向精神薬取締法の「麻薬向精神薬原料」(法第2条の7、別表第4)を含む製品です。