STEMCELL Technologies StemSpan StemSpan CD34+ Expansion Supplement
- 研究用
StemSpan™ CD34+ Expansion Supplement(10X)(ST-02691)は、ヒト臍帯血(cord blood; CB)および骨髄(bone marrow; BM)から分離したCD34+細胞の増殖を選択的に促進する培地サプリメントです。組み換えヒトサイトカイン(Flt3L、SCF、IL-3、IL-6、TPO)とその他の添加物を含む製剤です。
・ StemSpan™ SFEM (ST-09600)
・ StemSpan™ SFEM II (ST-09605)
・ StemSpan™-XF (ST-100-0073)
・ StemSpan™-AOF (ST-100-0130)
StemSpan™ CD34+ Expansion Supplement (10X)で、ヒトCD34陽性造血細胞を増殖
- ヒト臍帯血または骨髄のCD34+細胞から、液体培養で多数のCD34+造血細胞を選択的に増幅する組成
- StemSpan™培地との併用に最適(たとえば、StemSpan™ SFEM IIに添加した場合、他社の無血清培地より50%以上多くの臍帯血CD34+細胞を増殖可能)
- 10倍濃縮で提供(解凍、混合後、任意の造血細胞培地に直接添加)
CD34+ Expansion Supplementを添加したStemSpan™ SFEM培地による、ヒト臍帯血CD34+細胞の拡大培養
Shown are the percent CD34+ cells, fold expansion of total nucleated cells (TNC) and CD34+ cells, and numbers of colony-forming units (CFU) produced per input CD34+ cell after 7 days of hsc expansion culture of enriched CD34+ cells from six independent cord blood (CB) samples.
*95% confidence limits, the range within which 95% of the results will typically fall. ND: not done
CD34+ Expansion Supplementを添加した異なるStemSpan培地での、CD34+細胞増殖の比較
Average expansion of (A) total nucleated cells (TNC), (B) CD34+ cells and (C) colony-forming units (CFU), normalized relative to the values obtained in StemSpan™ SFEM (grey bars) after culturing purified hematopoietic CD34+ cord blood cells (n=6) for 7 days in StemSpan™ SFEM, SFEM II (blue bars) or AOF (orange bars) media containing CD34+ Expansion Supplement. Vertical lines indicate 95% confidence limits, the range within which 95% of results will typically fall. Cell yields in StemSpan™ SFEM II were on average ~60% higher than in StemSpan™ SFEM and StemSpan™-AOF. *p<0.001, #p<0.05 (paired t-test, n=6 in A and B, n=4 in C).
Note: Data for StemSpan™-AOF shown were generated with the original phenol red-containing version StemSpan™-ACF (Catalog #09855). However internal testing showed that the performance of the new phenol red-free, cGMP-manufactured version, StemSpan™-AOF (Catalog #100-0130) was comparable.